Tucking Panties For Crossdressing and Trans-Women

Tucking panties and superior gaff panties for crossdressing and trans-women. Cross-Dress.com is your source for the original Ultimate Genital Hiding Gaff™. Do not be fooled by imitators, we are the original and only manufacturer of these high quality feminizing gaffs. They are designed and hand-crafted right here in America. When you buy a gaff from Cross-Dress, you can buy in confidence that you are getting a high quality gaff panty that will get the job done! The last thing any girl wants is to have the masculine "bulge" showing when she's wearing a skirt, dress, pants or any feminine clothing! It is a dilemma for some men, and not so much for others. Men who strictly stay indoors to cross dress are sometimes not as concerned with that part of their anatomy, but we've found that most men want their fronts to be smooth and as flat as possible! Some men tape their genitals back, but why go through a process that can be uncomfortable and messy when you can simply buy an undergarment that will achieve the same results? That's why many men choose to own at least one gaff panty to do the trick!
Gaffs are not new. This type of "flattening" underwear has been around for years. Also called a cache-sex, gaffs are made of different materials and designs. As female clothing has evolved, so has the gaff panty. Cross-Dress.com has designed and manufactures FIVE different gaffs, which is an indication that over the last 15 years that Cross-Dress.com has been in business, cross dressing men have demanded different gaff designs to accommodate changing styles. Let's take look at the different gaffs that we have designed and manufacture right here in S. Florida.